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Project 01

The aim is to develop a BTTP unit of robust design and low wear, operating from the basis of the mixed gas HCNG. According to current estimates, this development is to be based on the principle of the Wankel engine. The BTTP should run in a dynamic mode and be capable of cascading. 



Currently there are solutions as pure natural gas BTTP and first attempts with hydrogen BTTP. Due to the use of the mixed gas HCNG, changes in ignition and combustion behavior as well as a different temperature distribution in the combustion chamber are to be expected. Modern reciprocating engines are so technically advanced that only the slightest temperature changes can cause damage to the thin walls. Therefore, we opted for a concept with a Wankel engine.

It is not yet clear whether the HCNG BTTP unit is to be designed for grid-parallel operation or whether it is more economical to implement the coupling at the DC level. This, along with other tasks, is to be investigated as part of the project.


Innovation content

With the use of HCNG, the components for energy conversion into heat and electricity must also be adapted to this gas mixture. Temperatures and gas distribution in the combustion chamber change. This process must be studied, analyzed, and simulated. Based on the findings, it is possible to change the injection point of the gas in such a way that optimum efficiency of the engine or unit can be achieved. The use of new materials, alloys and surface treatments should significantly improve the running time of the engine.

The process opens up the possibility of analogous admixture of hydrogen in a Power to X cycle and thus offers itself as a bridging technology towards a pure hydrogen economy. For the user there is the possibility of a mixed calculation of natural gas/hydrogen, which enables a significantly faster market entry on a relevant scale.


Network partners:

Seifert Haustechnik GmbH, Convia GmbH, Advides AG


Associated partners:

Wankel supertec GmbH, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus